Started by user Pablo Orviz Building remotely on centos7-nova-554 (centos7) in workspace /tmp/workspace/cas Cloning the remote Git repository Cloning repository > git init /tmp/workspace/cas # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from > git --version # timeout=10 > git fetch --tags --progress +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 > git config --add remote.origin.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from > git fetch --tags --progress +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10 > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/origin/master^{commit} # timeout=10 Checking out Revision 2ea4db07dd948c720e1858d83cf0e88b74b93df9 (refs/remotes/origin/master) > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f 2ea4db07dd948c720e1858d83cf0e88b74b93df9 > git rev-list 2b6d7b95ce2796c84cbcd121d60667710f95b74c # timeout=10 [cas] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/ + sudo fab ca:umd_release=4,repository_url=,log_path=logs [INFO] Using UMD 4 release repository [INFO] Using UMD verification repository: [''] [WARN] No installation type provided: performing installation. [INFO] Metapackage/s selected: + ca-policy-egi-core + ca-policy-lcg UMD verification tool ===================== Quality criteria: Codebase: Path locations | | log_path logs | yaim_path etc/yaim | puppet_path etc/puppet Production repositories | | umd_release_pkg | igtf_repo | epel_release [INFO] Using the following UMD verification repositories + [localhost] local: sudo -E grep EGI-trustanchors /etc/yum.repos.d//* | cut -d':' -f1|uniq [localhost] local: sudo -E grep LCG-trustanchors /etc/yum.repos.d//* | cut -d':' -f1|uniq [INFO] Repository '' added [[QC_DIST_1: Binary Distribution]] [INFO] Repository URLs found: adding [localhost] local: sudo -E yum clean all [localhost] local: sudo -E yum -y makecache fast [localhost] local: sudo -E yum repolist [INFO] Using repositories: ['UMD_IGTF_verification_repo', 'base/7/x86_64', 'extras/7/x86_64', 'updates/7/x86_64'] [localhost] local: sudo -E yum -y install ca-policy-egi-core ca-policy-lcg [INFO] Log directory 'logs' has been created. [localhost] local: sudo -E yum -q list ca_TRGrid ca_PolishGrid ca_UTN-USERTrust-RSA-CA ca_policy_igtf-slcs ca_InCommon-IGTF-Server-CA ca_CERN-Root-2 ca_UGRID ca_policy_igtf-classic ca_DarkMatterAssuredCA ca-policy-egi-core ca_CNRS2 ca_PSC-Myproxy-CA ca_INFN-CA-2015 ca_GermanGrid ca_AAACertificateServices ca_KISTI-2007 ca_MD-Grid ca_SRCE ca_DigiCertGridTrustCAG2-Classic ca_HellasGrid-CA-2016 ca_DigiCertGridTrustCA-Classic ca_TERENA-eScience-SSL-CA ca_DigiCertGridCA-1G2-Classic-2015 ca_UTN-USERFirst-Hardware ca_EG-GRID ca_IRAN-GRID ca_UTNAAAClient ca_HKU ca_DFN-SLCS ca_HPCI ca_CESNET-CA-Root ca_CNRS2-Projets ca_DigiCertGridRootCA-Root ca_TERENAeSciencePersonalCA ca_LACGridCA ca_CyGrid ca_IGCA ca_KENETROOTCA ca_MYIFAM ca_DigiCertAssuredIDRootCA-Root ca_policy_igtf-mics ca_CERN-GridCA ca_UNLPGrid ca_AustrianGrid ca_AddTrust-External-CA-Root ca_MARGI ca_cilogon-silver ca_MREN-CA ca_QuoVadis-Root-CA1 ca_DFN-GridGermany-Root ca_QuoVadis-Root-CA2 ca_CERN-LCG-IOTA-CA ca_NIKHEF ca_cilogon-osg ca_NorduGrid-2015 ca_RomanianGRID ca-policy-lcg ca_QuoVadis-Grid-ICA-G2 ca_CNIC ca_FNAL-SLCS ca_ArmeSFo ca_SlovakGrid ca_NCSA-slcs-2013 ca_KENETCA-ICA-2015 ca_CESNET-CA-3 ca_MaGrid ca_NCSA-tfca-2013 ca_NIIF-Root-CA-2 ca_REUNA-ca ca_IHEP-2013 ca_CNRS2-Grid-FR ca_QuoVadis-Root-CA2G3 ca_seegrid-ca-2013 ca_ASGCCA-2007 ca_IRAN-GRID-GCG-G2 ca_QuoVadis-Root-CA3G3 ca_COMODO-RSA-CA ca_KEK ca_UKeScienceCA-2B ca_BYGCA ca_QuoVadis-Grid-ICA ca_BG-ACAD-CA ca_AEGIS ca_UNAMgrid-ca ca_PK-Grid-2007 ca_GridCanada ca_RDIG ca_NERSC-SLCS ca_TERENA-eScience-SSL-CA-2 ca_TERENA-eScience-SSL-CA-3 ca_ANSPGrid ca_SiGNET-CA ca_UKeScienceRoot-2007 ca_LIPCA ca_DCAROOT-G1 ca_TERENAeSciencePersonalCA3 ca_TERENAeSciencePersonalCA2 ca_SDG-G2 ca_DigiCertGridCA-1-Classic ca_TSU-GE ca_DarkMatterSecureCA ca_DZeScience ca_pkIRISGrid [INFO] Metapackage 'ca-policy-egi-core' installed version: ca-policy-egi-core-1.81-1.noarch - @UMD_IGTF_verification_repo [INFO] Metapackage 'ca-policy-lcg' installed version: ca-policy-lcg-1.81-1.noarch - @UMD_IGTF_verification_repo [OK] Installation ended successfully. [[QC_SEC_2: SHA-2 Certificates Support]] [NA] Product does not need certificates. [[QC_SEC_5: World Writable Files]] [localhost] local: sudo -E find / -not \( -path "/proc" -prune \) -not \( -path "/sys" -prune \) -type f -perm -002 -exec ls -l {} \; [OK] Found no world-writable file. [[QC_INFO_1: GlueSchema 1.3 Support]] [NA] Product does not publish information through BDII. [[QC_INFO_2: GlueSchema 2.0 Support]] [NA] Product does not publish information through BDII. [[QC_INFO_3: Middleware Version Information]] [NA] Product does not publish information through BDII. [[QC_MON_1: Service Probes]] [NA] Product cannot be tested by Nagios. [[QC_FUNC_1: Basic Funcionality Test.]] [INFO] Probe 'Check release date.' [localhost] local: sudo -E useradd -m umd [localhost] local: su umd -c "./bin/ca/" 2>&1 [INFO] Command 'su umd -c "./bin/ca/"' ran successfully [OK] Basic functionality probes ran successfully. [[QC_FUNC_2: New features/bug fixes testing.]] [NA] No definition found for QC_FUNC_2. Archiving artifacts Finished: SUCCESS