Quality Criteria Verification Report ==================================== Product: argus Release: argus.centos7.x86_64-1.7.3 Software Provider: INFN RT Ticket: 13505 Provider contact: andrea.ceccanti@cnaf.infn.it Verifier: Pablo Orviz Hours worked: 20min Date: 04/08/2017 Status: Accepted Summary ======= * Ansible role: https://github.com/egi-qc/ansible-argus * No functionality tests * Build info: https://jenkins.egi.ifca.es/job/argus/30/ Related tickets =============== None Documentation Criteria ====================== * Release notes: http://argus-documentation.readthedocs.io/en/stable/argus_introduction.html * User Documentation: http://argus-documentation.readthedocs.io/en/stable/release_notes/v_1_7_1.html * API Documentation: http://argus-documentation.readthedocs.io/en/stable/release_notes/v_1_7_1.html * Admin Documentation: http://argus-documentation.readthedocs.io/en/stable/release_notes/v_1_7_1.html * Software License: Apache 2.0 Generic Criteria ================ (Possible Statuses: OK, WARN, FAIL, NA (Not Applicable) or NT (Not Tested)) * Binary Distribution: [OK] * Upgrade: [NT] * X.509 Certificate support: [OK] * SHA-2 Certificates Support: [OK] * RFC Proxy support: [OK] * ARGUS Integration: [NA] * World Writable Files: [OK] * Passwords in world readable files: [OK] * GlueSchema 1.3 Support: [OK] * GlueSchema 2.0 Support: [OK] * Middleware Version Information: [OK] * Service Probes: [NT] * Accounting Records: [NA] * Bug Tracking System: [OK] Verificaton logs ================ + sudo fab argus:umd_release=4,repository_file_1=http://admin-repo.egi.eu/sw/unverified/umd-4.infn.argus.centos7.x86_64/1/7/3/repofiles/INFN.argus.centos7.x86_64.repo,log_path=logs,enable_untested_repo=False,enable_testing_repo=False [INFO] Using UMD 4 release repository [INFO] Using UMD verification repository file: ['http://admin-repo.egi.eu/sw/unverified/umd-4.infn.argus.centos7.x86_64/1/7/3/repofiles/INFN.argus.centos7.x86_64.repo'] UMD verification tool ===================== Quality criteria: http://egi-qc.github.io Codebase: https://github.com/egi-qc/umd-verification Path locations | | log_path /tmp/workspace/argus/logs | yaim_path etc/yaim | puppet_path etc/puppet Production repositories | | umd_release_pkg http://repository.egi.eu/sw/production/umd/4/centos7/x86_64/base/umd-release-4.0.0-1.el7.noarch.rpm | igtf_repo None [INFO] Using the following repository files + http://admin-repo.egi.eu/sw/unverified/umd-4.infn.argus.centos7.x86_64/1/7/3/repofiles/INFN.argus.centos7.x86_64.repo [INFO] Log directory '/tmp/workspace/argus/logs' has been created. [localhost] local: sudo -E mkdir -p /etc/grid-security/certificates [localhost] local: sudo -E chown root:root /etc/grid-security [localhost] local: sudo -E chmod 0755 /etc/grid-security [INFO] Generating own certificates [localhost] local: sudo -E mkdir -p /root/UMDVerificationOwnCA [localhost] local: sudo -E openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 1 -newkey rsa:2048 -out ca.pem -outform PEM -keyout ca.key -subj '/DC=es/DC=UMDverification/CN=UMDVerificationOwnCA' [localhost] local: sudo -E openssl x509 -noout -hash -in ca.pem [localhost] local: sudo -E cp ca.pem /etc/grid-security/certificates/0d2a3bdd.0 [localhost] local: sudo -E echo "01" > crlnumber [localhost] local: sudo -E touch index.txt [localhost] local: sudo -E openssl ca -config openssl.cnf -gencrl -keyfile ca.key -cert ca.pem -out crl.pem [localhost] local: sudo -E cp crl.pem /etc/grid-security/certificates/0d2a3bdd.r0 [localhost] local: sudo -E openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -sha1 -keyout cert.key -keyform PEM -out cert.req -outform PEM -subj '/DC=es/DC=UMDverification/CN=centos7-477' -config openssl.cnf [localhost] local: sudo -E openssl x509 -req -in cert.req -CA ca.pem -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -extensions v3_req -extfile openssl.cnf -out cert.crt -days 1 [localhost] local: sudo -E chmod 600 cert.key [localhost] local: sudo -E cp cert.key /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem [INFO] Private key stored in '/etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem' (with 600 perms). [localhost] local: sudo -E cp cert.crt /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem [INFO] Public key stored in '/etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem'. [INFO] Running configuration [localhost] local: sudo -E ansible --help [INFO] Extra vars file added: /tmp/extra_vars.yaml [localhost] local: sudo -E ansible-pull -vvv -C master -d /etc/ansible/roles/ansible-argus -i /etc/ansible/roles/ansible-argus/hosts -U https://github.com/egi-qc/ansible-argus --extra-vars '@/tmp/umd.yaml' --extra-vars '@/tmp/extra_vars.yaml' --tags 'all' [[QC_SEC_2: SHA-2 Certificates Support]] [[QC_SEC_5: World Writable Files]] [localhost] local: sudo -E find / -not \( -path "/proc" -prune \) -not \( -path "/sys" -prune \) -type f -perm -002 -exec ls -l {} \; [OK] Found no world-writable file. [[QC_INFO_1: GlueSchema 1.3 Support]] [localhost] local: sudo -E yum -y install glue-validator [localhost] local: sudo -E glue-validator -h localhost -p 2170 -b mds-vo-name=resource,o=grid -t glue1 [[QC_INFO_2: GlueSchema 2.0 Support]] [localhost] local: sudo -E yum -y install glue-validator [localhost] local: sudo -E glue-validator -h localhost -p 2170 -b GLUE2GroupID=resource,o=glue -t glue2 [[QC_INFO_3: Middleware Version Information]] [OK] Middleware versions found: [] [[QC_MON_1: Service Probes]] [NA] Product cannot be tested by Nagios. [INFO] No QC-specific ID provided: no specific QC probes will be ran.