List of Groups
Group | Description |
OAT-discuss | Operations Automation Team (OAT) discussions |
EEF | European E-infrastructure Forum |
lsrdi-vt | Life Science Reference Data Integration Virtual Team |
ri-scale-tcb | ML for Tech. Coord. Board members of the RI-SCALE project. |
pdp | Policy Development Process Management |
EGI | EGI master group |
csirt | Security incident handling across EGI project |
spectrum-po | EGI SSO members of Spectrum Project Office - WP1 and WP2 |
imagine-finance | iMagine project finance contacts |
egi-ace-wp5 | WP5 Federated data spaces (VA) all |
spectrum-ga | Communications channel for the General Assembly of the SPECTRUM project |
envri-hub-next-wp5-6 | Mailing list for SSO members of the ENVRI-Hub NEXT project: WP5/6 collaborators |
intertwin-wp5 | interTwin WP5 Digital Twin Engine Infrastructure |
tcb-discuss | Technology Coordination Board (TCB) discussions |
intertwin-ca | interTwin project consortium agreement contacts |
vt-funded-all | all mini project members |
eosc-beyond-eb | Mailing list for EOSC Beyond Executive Board |
pc-tf10 | The programme committee for the EGI 2010 Technical Forum |
eep-pilot1 | EGI/EUDAT/PRACE pilot1 members |
intertwin-wp2 | interTwin WP2 Innovation Management and Communications |
UCB-discuss | User Community Board (UCB) discussions |
eosc-beyond-wp10 | Mailing list for SSO members of the EOSC-Beyond project: WP10 collaborators |
ri-scale-ga | Mailing list for General Assembly Communication. |
envri-hub-next-ethics | Mailing list for all members of the ENVRI-hub NEXT Ethics Board |
eosc-beyond-tcb | Mailing list for EOSC Beyond Technical Coodination Board |
DocDBAdm | Document Database Administrators |
eosc-beyond-wp7-wp8-wp9 | (discontinued, was: Mailing list for SSO members of the EOSC-Beyond project: WP7/8/9 collaborators) |
imagine-po | iMagine project office |
eosc-beyond-wp3-wp4 | Mailing list for SSO members of the EOSC-Beyond project: WP3/4 collaborators |
council-tf-esp | Discussion mailing list for the EGI Council Task Force EG Strategic Planning |
all-sso | All members of the EGI Federation |
mu-docs | Middleware Unit documents writers |
FA-team | office and project offices with right to modify |
egi-ace-all-old | EGI-ACE project members |
envri-hub-next-eosc-tf | Mailing list for the ENVRI-Hub NEXT project working on the EOSC Task Force |
ssb | Services and Solutions Board (SSB) discussions |
mou-partners | Contact Points for External Partners |
ER-flow-PMB | ER flow project PMB |
cc-bbmri | Competence Center BBMRI |
eosc-data-commons-po | Mailing list for Project management office of EOSC Data Commons project |
spectrum-finance | EGI SSO members of finance and administration staff |
loc-tf11 | The local organising committee for the EGI 2011 Technical Forum |
inspire-sa1 | (discontinued, was: EGI-InSPIRE SA1 Operations) |
council-tf-fcr | EGI Council Task Force Financial Contributions Review (FCR) |
spectrum-wp5 | EGI SSO members of the SPECTRUM project: WP5 collaborators |
egi-engage-members | EGI Engage Members |
EGI-CSIRT-Team | deleted group |
eosc-beyond-wp15-wp16 | Mailing list for SSO members of the EOSC-Beyond project: WP15/16 collaborators |
project-programme-ai | Mailing list for AI project programme team |
inspire-financial | EGI InSPIRE financial contacts |
eric-wg | Discussion list for the ERIC WG |
EOSC-hub-sb | EOSC Hub SB |
eosc-beyond-wplg | Mailing list for EOSC Beyond Work Package Leader Group |
EOSC-hub-amb | EOSC Hub AMB |
ri-scale-wp6 | Mailing list for members of WP6 discussions. |
egi-ace-wp7-t2 | EGI-ACE WP7 task T2 members |
eosc-beyond-wp1-wp2 | Mailing list for SSO members of the EOSC-Beyond project: WP1/2 collaborators |
envri-hub-next-po | Mailing list for SSO members of ENVRI-hub NEXT Project Office |
intertwin-finance | interTwin project finance contacts |
egi-engage | Coordination of operations, software provisioning, tool development, user engagement |
operations-docs | Operations documents writers |
envri-hub-next-wp3-4 | Mailing list for SSO members of the ENVRI-Hub NEXT project: WP3/4 collaborators |
cc-elixir | Competence Center ELIXIR |
egi-ace-wp7-t5 | EGI-ACE WP7 task T5 members |
fedcloud-tf | Federated Clouds Task Force |
eosc-beyond-finance | Mailing list for the project office |
council | Council |
ngi-international-liaisons | NGI international liaisons |
spectrumcop | SPECTRUM Community of Practice members |
dmsu | Deployed Middleware Support Unit at |
spectrum-wp7 | EGI SSO members of the SPECTRUM project: WP7 collaborators |
egi-ace-wp4 | WP4 Platform Services (VA) all |
envri-hub-next-wp7-8 | Mailing list for SSO members of the ENVRI-Hub NEXT project: WP7/8 collaborators |
executive-board | Executive Board |
egi-ace-wp7-taskleaders | EGI-ACE WP7 task leaders |
pokus | test2 |
office | office and project offices |
inspire-cb | EGI InSPIRE collaboration board |
EISCAT-H2020 | European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association - Horizon 2020 |
egi-ace-va | A dedicated channel for VA Installation contacts in the EGI-ACE project |
ri-scale-finance | Mailing list for finance and administration representatives for RI-Scale project. |
eosc-lot3 | EGI EOSC LOT 3 team |
spg-discuss | Security Policy Group discussions |
egi-ace-wp6 | WP6 Federated Access Services (VA) all |
champions-oversight | EGI Champions Scheme Oversight |
imagine-all | iMagine project members |
champions-discuss | (discontinued, was: includes 9 Champions, NA2 Leaders and UCST) |
egi-ace-ga | General Assembly members |
esfri-docs | ESFRI documents |
GCG-discuss | (discontinued, was: Glossary Coordination Group discussions) |
egi-engage-pmb | EGI-Engage Project Management Board |
ri-scale-all | Mailing list for all project members in RI-Scale project. |
intertwin-wp4 | interTwin WP4 Technical co-design and validation with research communities |
umd-team | UMD Provisioning the Software Infrastructure team |
spectrum-all | All EGI SSO members of the SPECTRUM project. |
EGI-Security-Assessment | EGI-Security-Assessment metagroup |
intertwin-wp3 | interTwin WP3 Technical Coordination and Interoperability |
ri-scale-eb | ML for Ethical Board members of the RI-SCALE project. |
spectrum-wp4 | EGI SSO members of the SPECTRUM project: WP4 collaborators |
ri-scale-wp2 | Mailing list for members of WP2 discussions. |
inspire-members | (discontinued, was: All EGI-InSPIRE members from PPT) |
eosc-beyond-ca | Mailing list for the Consortium Agreement discussions |
pac | Project Advisory Committee members |
egi-ace-wp3 | WP3 Infrastructure Services (VA) all |
intertwin-wp7 | interTwin WP7 Digital Twin Engine Thematic Modules |
egi-ace-wp7 | WP7 Service Delivery and Planning all |
eosc-data-commons-finance | Mailing list for finance and administration representatives for EOSC Data Commons project |
eep-pilot4 | EGI/EUDAT/PRACE pilot4 members |
eosc-beyond-wp11-wp12 | Mailing list for SSO members of the EOSC-Beyond project: WP11/12 collaborators |
egi-engage-cb | EGI-Engage Collaboration Board |
svg-discuss | The EGI Software Vulnerability Group discussion list |
eosc-beyond-wp7 | Mailing list for SSO members of the EOSC-Beyond project: WP7 collaborators |
cloud | Cloud |
egi-ace-sfg | Strategy Foresight expert Group members |
ri-scale-wp5 | Mailing list for members of WP5 discussions. |
EOSC-hub-pmb | EOSC Hub PMB |
egi-ace-sds | Service Delivery and Support board members |
spectrum-wp3 | EGI SSO members of the SPECTRUM project: WP3 collaborators |
council-docs | Staff within the participants of who have access to Council material. |
intertwin-wp1 | interTwin WP1 Project Coordination and Management |
envri-hub-next-all | All members of the ENVRI-hub NEXT consortium |
egi-ace-po | EGI-ACE project office |
ops-vo-manager | Ops VO manager |
eosc-hub-all | EOSC HUB ALL |
external-access | External access for reviews etc. |
egi-ace-wp7-t3 | EGI-ACE WP7 task T3 members |
eosc-beyond-ga | Mailing list for EOSC Beyond General Assembly |
envri-hub-next-wp15 | Mailing list for SSO members of the ENVRI-Hub NEXT project: WP15 collaborators |
egi-engage-amb | EGI-Engage Activity Management Board |
spectrum-amb | Communications channel for the Activity Management Board of the SPECTRUM project |
svg-rat | The Risk Assessment Team for the EGI Software Vulnerability Group |
envri-all | ENVRI Project |
pc-cf12 | EGI Community Forum 2012 Programme Committee |
eosc-beyond-all | Mailing list for the project participants. |
service-bidding | Restrict access to certain pages in the Wiki |
policy-discuss | General forum to discuss policy issues in EGI |
intertwin-all | interTwin project members |
egi-engage-financial | EGI Engage financial |
eep-pilot3 | EGI/EUDAT/PRACE pilot3 members |
ri-scale-psb | ML for Project Steering Board members of RI-SCALE project. |
envri-hub-next-wp11-12 | Mailing list for SSO members of the ENVRI-Hub NEXT project: WP11/12 collaborators |
envri-hub-next-finance | Finance, admin and legal people involved in the ENVRI-hub NEXT consortium |
EOSC-hub-ga | EOSC Hub GA |
eosc-beyond-wp13-wp14 | Mailing list for SSO members of the EOSC-Beyond project: WP13/14 collaborators |
envri-eiscat3d | ENVRI EISCAT3D |
envri-hub-next-tech | All technical members of the ENVRI-hub NEXT consortium |
egi-ace-finance | EGI-ACE Finance contacts |
fondacloud | Fondacloud |
ER-flow-all | ER flow project all members |
eosc-beyond-wp5-wp6 | Mailing list for SSO members of the EOSC-Beyond project: WP5/6 collaborators |
envri-hub-next-wp13-14 | Mailing list for SSO members of the ENVRI-Hub NEXT project: WP13/14 collaborators |
eosc-beyond-po | Mailing list for the project office |
ri-scale-po | Mailing list for Project management office of RI-Scale project. |
marketanalysis | Discussion list on market analysis of business sectors (EGI-Engage project) |
egi-ace-wp7-t4 | EGI-ACE WP7 task T4 members |
ngi-de | NGI Germany |
egi-ace-wp7-t6 | EGI-ACE WP7 task T6 members |
eep-pilot2 | EGI/EUDAT/PRACE pilot2 members |
envri-hub-next-wp9-10 | Mailing list for SSO members of the ENVRI-Hub NEXT project: WP9/10 collaborators |
intertwin-wp6 | interTwin WP6 Digital Twin Engine Core Modules |
spectrum-wp6 | EGI SSO members of the SPECTRUM project: WP6 collaborators |
rt-ucst | UCST Internal Tasks |
scg-discuss | Security Coordination Group (SCG) discussions |
ri-scale-wp4 | Mailing list for members of WP4 discussions. |
ngi-cz | NGI Czech Republic |
ri-scale-wp3 | Mailing list for members of WP3 discussions. |
egi-ace-wp7-t1 | EGI-ACE WP7 task T1 members |
project-kisti-egi | Mailing list for a collaboration project between KISTI and EGI |
egi-ace-ca | Consortium Agreement discussions |
noc-managers | NGI Operations Centre managers |
intertwin-wp8 | interTwin WP8 Ethics requirements |
otag | Operational Tools Advisory Group |
sw-rel-qc | NSRW Quality Criteria Verification Notification |
eosc-data-commons-all | Mailing list for all project members in EOSC Data Commons project |
eosc-lot1 | EGI EOSC LOT 1 team |
elixir-pilot | Integrating ELIXIR reference datasets within the European Grid Infrastructure |
egi-ace-pmb | Project Management Board members |
spg | Security Policy Group |
pc-tf11 | The programme committee for the EGI 2011 Technical Forum |
imagine-ca | iMagine project consortium agreement contacts |
technical-outreach | Technical Outreach for New Communities |
intertwin-po | interTwin project office |
egi-ace-all | EGI-ACE project members |
ri-scale-amb | ML for Activity Manag.Board of the RI-SCALE project. |
spectrum-eab | Communications channel for the EABoard of the SPECTRUM project |
eosc-beyond-wp8-wp9 | Mailing list for SSO members of the EOSC-Beyond project: WP8/9 collaborators |
egi-ace-wp2 | WP2 Coordination and cooperation all |
ict7-editorial-board | ICT7 editorial board |
loc-tf10 | The local organising committee for the EGI 2010 Technical Forum |
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