EGI Document 1098-v3

D2.30 EGI Strategic Plan

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Submitted by:
Steven Newhouse
Updated by:
Steven Newhouse
Document Created:
18 Apr 2012, 08:18
Contents Revised:
27 Apr 2012, 16:12
Metadata Revised:
11 May 2012, 12:28
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Other Versions:
26 Aug 2012, 21:39
27 Apr 2012, 16:10
19 Apr 2012, 14:00
18 Apr 2012, 08:18
The EGI Strategic Plan – Seeing New Horizons: EGI’s Role in 2020 – describes how EGI will evolve into a universal federated platform for supporting compute and data intensive Research and Education communities. EGI will evolve to provide a framework that will host a range of highthroughput solutions, including both grid and cloud approaches. The intention is to separate the higher level software solutions (the virtual research environments) from the operational infrastructure so that a complete range of approaches can be hosted depending on the needs of each Research and Education community. The infrastructure platform will provide a managed environment capable of providing appropriate services to a wide variety of software stacks. These services will be defined and progressively implemented in the coming 24 months so that by the end of EGI-InSPIRE, EGI will be a universal e-infrastructure capable of hosting the complete range of distributed computing approaches required by European Research and Education.
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