EGI Document 1841-v1

e-ScienceTalk D2.6 - Schools pack based on e-ScienceCity

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Document Created:
03 Jul 2013, 14:42
Contents Revised:
03 Jul 2013, 14:42
Metadata Revised:
03 Jul 2013, 14:42
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03 Jul 2013, 18:04
e-ScienceCity is a learning environment that introduces the world of distributed computing research to high school students and undergraduates through a visually appealing interface.

In order to provide some directed learning to encourage full use of the breadth and depth of learning provided by the website, e-ScienceTalk has produced the accompanying PDF document. This is a lesson plan that could be used by a teacher or instructor during a lesson on computing or general science, or an extracurricular club. is accessible from all browsers, and reduces overheads on client-side page rendering through the use of PHP scripts. To provide access to the website where no internet connection is possible or where connections are unreliable, a standalone version has been developed. This is available from

Once downloaded and uncompressed by double-clicking on the file, the 26MB folder 'e-ScienceCity' can be distributed on a memory stick and copied to individual computers, or simply run from the stick. To open e-ScienceCity in your folder, simply navigate to the EN folder inside e-ScienceCity and double-click on index.html. The initial page should now open in your default web browser.

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