EGI Document 3017-v1

EGI-Engage D3.9 Identity Management for Distributed User Communities

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Document Created:
11 Jan 2017, 09:01
Contents Revised:
08 Mar 2017, 13:41
Metadata Revised:
16 May 2017, 10:48
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11 Jan 2017, 09:01
Best practice and the technical services to integrate new authentication mechanisms and to implement role based authorisation for the EGI communities.

This document presents the architecture, the integration workflows, as well as an assessment for the EGI CheckIn service which offers a set of advanced authentication and authorisation capabilities to allow secure and user-friendly access to EGI services. CheckIn has proven to be a reliable and interoperable multi-protocol identity management and access service through the successful integration with several EGI operational tools and services, meeting the needs of the Research Communities and other stakeholders. Considering the modular structure of the CheckIn service, features can be easily added to support new requirements and use cases.

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