EGI Document 3043-v1
EGI Core services performance report September 2016 - December 2016
- Permalink:
- Document #:
- EGI-doc-3043-v1
- Document type:
- Other
- Submitted by:
- Unknown
- Updated by:
- Unknown
- Document Created:
- 26 Jan 2017, 13:01
- Contents Revised:
- 13 Mar 2017, 13:21
- Metadata Revised:
- 13 Mar 2017, 13:21
- Abstract:
- Container for EGI Core services performance report September 2016 - December 2016 based on EGI OLA agreements
- Files in Document:
- 2016-09 - 2016-12 Ops tools Ava Rel report.pdf (334.5 kB)
- 2016-09 - 2016-12 Quality of Support report EGI Services.pdf (444.2 kB)
- Accounting repositories and portal.pdf (37.5 kB)
- Activitie and services for the long tail of science (h...pdf (35.2 kB)
- Application DB.pdf (38.5 kB)
- Collaboration tools.pdf (32.7 kB)
- E-GRANT services hosting and technical operations.pdf (34.5 kB)
- Helpdesk GGUS.pdf (33.0 kB)
- Helpdesk human support.pdf (35.2 kB)
- Message brokers.pdf (33.1 kB)
- Monitoring services.pdf (34.2 kB)
- Operations Portal.pdf (37.2 kB)
- Security coordination and security tools.pdf (44.4 kB)
- Service registry (GOCDB).pdf (38.0 kB)
- Services for AAI.pdf (37.5 kB)
- UMD quality assurance.pdf (37.9 kB)
- UMD software provisioning infrastructure.pdf (33.9 kB)
- Overall assessment of the core services performance Sep-Dec 2016 (EGI Core services Performance report 2016-09_2016-12-v4.docx, 97.5 kB)
- Topics:
- Authors:
- Unknown
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