EGI Document 3875-v1

HPC integration handbook

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Document Created:
29 Mar 2022, 09:17
Contents Revised:
30 Mar 2022, 12:00
Metadata Revised:
30 Mar 2022, 12:00
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30 Mar 2022, 12:28
29 Mar 2022, 09:17
The first version of the HPC integration handbook describes the EGI-ACE activities to extend the EOSC Compute Platform with High Performance Compute (HPC) systems. The work covers integration of HPC systems with the federation tools of the Compute Platform, and the validation of the setup through scientific workflows that use Cloud, High Throughput Compute (HTC) and HPC resources in a mixed way. The handbook details the integration mechanisms used by the HPC systems, and provides information on how to use them effectively for running container-based workloads.
This document is the first version of the handbook at half-time of the integration work. A complete version will be reached in June 2022 and a final version of this handbook will be published then as Deliverable 7.3.
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