EGI Document 4001-v1

iMagine D3.1 Technical development roadmap for the AI image analysis use cases

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Submitted by:
Mandy Yuju Lin
Updated by:
Mandy Yuju Lin
Document Created:
14 Aug 2023, 11:16
Contents Revised:
14 Aug 2023, 11:16
Metadata Revised:
22 Feb 2024, 02:46
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27 Jun 2024, 15:48
iMagine is a 36-month-long project to serve aquatic researchers with a suite of high-performance image analysis tools empowered with Artificial Intelligence (AI). The iMagine services leverage the AI Platform of the project. Through eight image analysis use cases of iMagine, the Best practices for future adopters will be formulated. The document describes the methodology and the corresponding analysis of the use cases, their development roadmaps, gathered requirements for the AI Platform, as well as the means of tracking those requirements.

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