EGI Document 919-v2

EGI Portal technology review and comparison questions

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Submitted by:
Gergely Sipos
Updated by:
Gergely Sipos
Document Created:
15 Dec 2011, 15:27
Contents Revised:
16 Dec 2011, 10:45
Metadata Revised:
16 Dec 2011, 13:50
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During the EGI Technical Forum 2011 the EGI Portal community agreed to create a "portal technology comparison table". The table should provide an analysis of existing and reusable portals, portal developer frameworks, portlets, components in order to help scientific communities and their supporting NGIs identify find solutions that meet their needs and should be considered when building and using a portal.

The User Community Support Team of (UCST) prepared the first draft of the questions for this comparison table. Now we invite the EGI community to provide feedback on these questions to UCST ( before the end of January 2012. Please send feedback to with changes tracked in the Doc file. Please indicate in your message the entity (institute, NGI, group, project, etc.) on whose behalf you send the feedback.

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