DocDB Instructions

About DocDB

Only some of the documents in DocDB are publicly accessible. If you try to access documents that are not visible to the public, you will receive an error. Also, all of the interface for creating new documents is hidden from you. If you arrived to this public interface by mistake and wish to add a document you must use the private interface instead. These links may help you:

  • Secure DocDB Homepage (valid certificate required)
  • If you need more assistance, please ask your DocDB administrator

    A document consists of a number of files along with additional information about the document.

    Finding Documents

    If you are looking for a specific document and know its document number, the easiest thing is to just enter the number in the box on the home page. If you are looking for documents by a certain person or on a certain topic, you might want to see the list of topics or list of authors. A full fledged search engine is also available.

    More Information

    If you want more information about how DocDB works or would like to use it for your own project, please visit the DocDB homepage.

DocDB, Contact: Document Database Administrators