EGI Document 12-v1

ESFRI project requirements for Pan-European e-infrastructure resources and facilities

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Submitted by:
Martin Kuba
Updated by:
Martin Kuba
Document Created:
05 May 2010, 15:42
Contents Revised:
05 May 2010, 15:42
Metadata Revised:
05 May 2010, 16:06
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The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) has issued a list of major Pan-European facilities and services and subsequent updates thereto, which are unique to Europe due to their sheer size or cost involved in their establishment. The e-IRG has issued clear roadmaps describing present and future Pan-European e-infrastructures, that due to their scale require long term planning, and cross-border operations beyond a single administrative domain, but has a fairly short technological refreshment cycle of about three years.

The ESFRI-projects (as they are commonly referred to) do require such e-infrastructures to professionally and efficiently conduct science with or on the very facilities they are concerned with. But the establishment of these projects, in particular the early starters, is taking place rather independent of the establishment of the e-infrastructures that are being developed at pretty much the same time and proper inter-reference and certainly close interoperation is yet lacking, irrespective incidental co-operations.

This report and the next steps proposed address the presently known and foreseeable requirements for European scale e-infrastructural resources or facilities by the ESFRI-projects and the services and resources that the e-infrastructure community can offer to the ESFRI- projects at the European level. Also a template/checklist is developed that can be used to structure future ESFRI-project-proposals in order to avoid duplicating effort. A key objective of this European E-infrastructures Forum (EEF) initiative is to achieve a seamless interoperation of leading e-Infrastructures for the scientific communities that make use of the research infrastructures in the ESFRI roadmap, tailored to their needs where possible or required, and optimise the return on investments by the ESFRI-projects and user communities. This could also help the EC in the evaluation of future ESFRI-projects in the application phase, regarding the use of already available pan-European e-infrastructure resources and facilities.

The EEF is a forum for the Pan-European e-infrastructures providers in the areas of High Performance Computing, Networking, secure data-storage and services and the European Grid-infrastructure. The interest of the EEF in this work is to tailor our services to the ESFRI- projects’ needs, to avoid parallel e-infrastructures being set up without connection to existing or planned investments and to have links established from the EEF to the ESFRI-projects to help the e-infrastructure providers and policy makers to provide the best services at the best conditions to the European flagship research facilities. The EEF has, through a series of meetings and a questionnaire, gathered a set of e-infrastructure requirements from the ESFRI projects. Some 28 ESFRI projects were consulted as part of the requirements gathering process. Based on the information received the EEF has made an initial analysis which is recorded in this report. The implications and opportunities for the European e-infrastructures have also been analysed and included in this report. The EFF sees this activity as a first iteration in an on-going dialog that is required between e-infrastructure and ESFRI representatives and foresees a number of steps that will continue this process.

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