EGI Document 1724-v5
MS125 Work of the Asia-Pacific Region
- Permalink:
- Document #:
- EGI-doc-1724-v5
- Document type:
- Submitted by:
- Unknown
- Updated by:
- Unknown
- Document Created:
- 02 May 2013, 14:30
- Contents Revised:
- 23 May 2013, 10:53
- Metadata Revised:
- 23 May 2013, 11:52
- Abstract:
- The EGI-InSPIRE partners in the Asia-Pacific region have continued with their unfunded project activities that vary greatly in scale and scope from country to country: from mature linked HPC facilities to small commodity clusters at just a few universities. The supported user communities are primarily the environmental and life-science communities with growing activity in the computational chemistry domain
- Files in Document:
- EGI -InSPIRE -MS125-FINAL.pdf (1.1 MB)
- Topics:
- Authors:
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