EGI Document 2245-v1
e-ScienceTalk: Measuring the Impact of Online Outreach for e-Infrastructures
- Permalink:
- Document #:
- EGI-doc-2245-v1
- Document type:
- Submitted by:
- Unknown
- Updated by:
- Unknown
- Document Created:
- 16 Jun 2014, 13:02
- Contents Revised:
- 16 Jun 2014, 13:02
- Metadata Revised:
- 16 Jun 2014, 13:02
- Abstract:
- Over the last decade, the European Commission and governments have invested substantial funds in distributed computing infrastructures. e-ScienceTalk disseminates the success stories and impact of these e-infrastructures. Stories come from the flagship pan-European projects but also fr om a host of smaller and emerging projects. For e-ScienceTalks first year, outputs and outcomes were
recorded through a range of methods, including tracking output metrics and by monitoring online traffic. This information collectively provided evidence of the projects wide global reach. Generally, most of e-ScienceTalks target metrics for the first 12 months have been met or exceeded. For the future, metrics will be added to measure impact and track website usage in a more representative way. Evaluation will continue to be important for developing a sustainability strategy for e-ScienceTalk products, as will working with other projects through collaboration agreements to maximise impact.
- Files in Document:
- eChallenges_e20012_ref_13_doc_7975.pdf (282.2 kB)
- Topics:
- Authors:
- Unknown
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