EGI Document 258-v8

D2.6 Integration of Clouds and Virtualisation into the European production infrastructure

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Submitted by:
Sergio Andreozzi
Updated by:
Erika Swiderski
Document Created:
17 Nov 2010, 11:23
Contents Revised:
01 Mar 2011, 14:14
Metadata Revised:
01 Mar 2011, 14:14
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Virtualisation and cloud computing have demonstrated how new technologies can enable dynamic execution environments or on-demand elastic service deployment with new, clear cost measurements and business models. Due to the financial constraints being felt throughout Europe, and that ICT policies and services tailored to the current e-infrastructure user communities do not always meeting the needs of new communities, EGI needs to evolve to provide a more flexible, efficient e-infrastructure in order to attract new users from all disciplines. Therefore, this report is designed to build the foundation for integrating virtualisation and cloud technologies into EGI to better address the evolving user needs. It analyses the technology benefits and issues, economic aspects of delivering such resources, with a short- and long-term view to identifying why, where and how these technologies have a place within the EGI.
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Referenced by:
  • EGI-doc-330: Feedback on D2.6

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