EGI Document 310-v7

MS606: HUC Software Roadmap

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Submitted by:
Jamie Shiers
Updated by:
Erika Swiderski
Document Created:
18 Jan 2011, 13:34
Contents Revised:
16 May 2011, 13:39
Metadata Revised:
16 May 2011, 13:39
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Other Versions:
16 May 2011, 13:30
16 May 2011, 13:30
This document provides the second overview of the Roadmap for the development and deployment in the reference user communities of the software included in EGI-InSPIRE WP6. The Heavy User Communities (HUCs) who are part of the project are the primary target of the document, which is intended to give them information on the features available now and in the future, and offer the opportunity to interact with the planned developments so that they can best fit their needs.

However the document is open to other EGI-InSPIRE users and potential users, who may be interested in adopting parts of the software for their uses and in suggesting developments to this effect.

This document reflects the present status in the elaboration of a full roadmap (the HUC Software Roadmap is a Milestone due periodically in SA3): most of the software developments are still concentrated toward a single community, however much effort is devoted to the documentation and to the ease of use of the different products, both necessary conditions for attracting new user communities. For the different software products the planning included in this document covers at least the main features foreseen in the next year, in some cases providing well defined internal milestones and initial indications for longer term developments.

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Related Documents:
  • EGI-doc-387: Feedback on MS606

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