EGI Document 3561-v1
EOSC-hub 5.4 Second release of federation and collaboration services and tools
- Permalink:
- Document #:
- EGI-doc-3561-v1
- Document type:
- Deliverable
- Submitted by:
- Unknown
- Updated by:
- Unknown
- Document Created:
- 17 Jan 2020, 16:19
- Contents Revised:
- 27 Feb 2020, 12:05
- Metadata Revised:
- 27 Feb 2020, 12:05
Viewable by:
- Public document
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Latest Version
25 Jun 2021, 09:56 |
09 Mar 2020, 17:06 |
17 Jan 2020, 16:19 |
- Abstract:
- This document provides an overview of the EOSC-hub federation and collaboration services and tools and describes corrections, changes or enhancements made during the second year of the project. These changes have been implemented according to the initial integration plans and the evolving requirements from the user communities. The release notes included in the document are classified into different categories and are presented in a uniform format. An outline of the future plans is also provided for each WP5 service/tool and also included in WP5 roadmap, provided at the end of the document.
- Files in Document:
- EOSC-hub D5.4 Public v1.docx (358.4 kB)
- EOSC-hub D5.4 Public v1.pdf (1.2 MB)
- Authors:
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