EGI Document 3617-v1

MoU Between EGI Foundation and Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Latvia

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Submitted by:
Gergely Sipos
Updated by:
Gergely Sipos
Document Created:
16 Jun 2020, 22:43
Contents Revised:
16 Jun 2020, 22:43
Metadata Revised:
16 Jun 2020, 22:43
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The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is to define a framework of collaboration between the Parties to enable the vision of jointly providing sustainable e-Infrastructure services for European and Latvian scientists and supporting international scientific research activities.
More specifically the parties will collaborate on:
1. Coordinated offering of cloud resources and user support for open science via EGI and European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
2. Exchange applications and scientific datasets that facilitate open science with e-infrastructures.
3. Exchange information about the impact of e-infrastructure services and offerings on science and showcase these at relevant events
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