EGI Document 3722-v1
EOSC Early Adopter Programme - Final report
- Permalink:
- Document #:
- EGI-doc-3722-v1
- Document type:
- Other
- Submitted by:
- Diego Scardaci
- Updated by:
- Diego Scardaci
- Document Created:
- 03 May 2021, 18:39
- Contents Revised:
- 03 May 2021, 18:39
- Metadata Revised:
- 03 May 2021, 18:39
Viewable by:
- Public document
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Latest Version
05 May 2021, 16:29 |
- Abstract:
- This document is the final report of the EOSC Early Adopter Programme (EAP) that was launched by EOSC-hub to explore the latest state-of-art technologies and services offered by the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
- Files in Document:
- EOSC Early Adopter Programme - Final report (EOSC-hub Early Adopter Programme - Final report.docx, 415.3 kB)
- EOSC Early Adopter Programme - Final report (EOSC-hub Early Adopter Programme - Final report.pdf, 783.9 kB)
- Topics:
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