EGI Document 4108-v1

EOSC Beyond D3.1 Exploitation, Dissemination and Communication Plan v.1.0

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Submitted by:
Sjomara Specht
Updated by:
Duc Hien BUI
Document Created:
26 Feb 2024, 18:53
Contents Revised:
27 Sep 2024, 17:57
Metadata Revised:
27 Sep 2024, 17:57
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The document serves three purposes. First, it describes the proposed Innovation Management System and its implementation plan. This will enable and support the development of activities related to the management of Intellectual Property, project results, exploitation and sustainability of Key Exploitable Results, as well as project impact. The second purpose is to provide an overview of the project's communication and dissemination activities, as well as a plan for executing them. Lastly, it outlines and plans activities for promoting the services, supporting the user community, and coordinating the feedback loop engagement.

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