EGI Document 4167-v1

Valorising scientific data with the EGI e-infrastructure

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Submitted by:
Gergely Sipos
Updated by:
Gergely Sipos
Document Created:
18 Oct 2024, 12:52
Contents Revised:
18 Oct 2024, 12:52
Metadata Revised:
18 Oct 2024, 12:53
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This presentation was given at the Seoul National University on the 18th of October 2024 by Gergely Sipos. The talk introduced the EGI infrsatructure through scientific case studies; the EGI contributions to open science through the European Open Science Cloud system; the recently started GreenDIGIT project to lower of environmental impact of digital infrastructures; and the recently finished bilateral technology study project between EGI and KISTI in Korea.
kisti egi SNU korea

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