EGI Document 1494-v1

Towards CREAM Clustering

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Submitted by:
Balazs Konya
Updated by:
Tiziana Ferrari
Document Created:
12 Dec 2012, 11:45
Contents Revised:
12 Dec 2012, 11:45
Metadata Revised:
12 Dec 2012, 11:51
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Today CREAM can be considered (Computing Resource And Management) a mature service for job management. Facing the challenge of supporting an expanding community of users with new requirements, as part of the European Middleware Initiative (EMI), such service needs to be consolidated and evolved.
One of the main objectives described in its evolution plan, is the need to meet the High Availability (HA) criteria. In particular, CREAM, like several popular Internet services (e.g. Google, Amazon), must rely on large clusters of commodity computers for providing several features, including high performance, scalability, availability and fault tolerance. From a user's point of view the main benefit provided by this enhancement is the guaranteed access to her jobs and related resources (i.e. job
sandbox) during planned and unplanned outages. For these reasons, we are focusing on providing CREAM with the ability to be continuously available to serve- user requests independently of critical conditions which might arise.
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