EGI Document 1952-v1
DCH-RP WP5 PoC Scenario 1.6 - IBM Tivoli Server Management
- Permalink:
- Document #:
- EGI-doc-1952-v1
- Document type:
- Submitted by:
- Unknown
- Updated by:
- Unknown
- Document Created:
- 21 Sep 2013, 21:11
- Contents Revised:
- 21 Sep 2013, 21:11
- Metadata Revised:
- 21 Sep 2013, 21:11
- Abstract:
- This document describes the results of the tool that were tested in the context of Scenario 1.6. The ultimate goal of the tests was to grade the tool according to different aspects of usefulness. This document contains an overview of the results.
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- Authors:
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