EGI Document 317-v6
EGI Role towards Europe 2020
- Permalink:
- Document #:
- EGI-doc-317-v6
- Document type:
- Submitted by:
- Steven Newhouse
- Updated by:
- Unknown
- Document Created:
- 24 Jan 2011, 11:22
- Contents Revised:
- 11 Feb 2011, 16:37
- Metadata Revised:
- 11 Feb 2011, 21:04
- Abstract:
- This report provides an overview about the latest EU strategic developments relevant to the EGI community. Furthermore, the report initiates a discussion about how we could adapt our activities in order to improve our alignment with the new European strategic priorities, as well as a self-assessment as to the expected benefits. Thus, the report contains a list of general recommendations for the and the EGI community.
- Files in Document:
- EGI-PDT-REPORT_EUROPE2020.pdf (628.4 kB)
- Topics:
- Authors:
- Unknown
- Steven Newhouse
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